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Nigeria Wake Up

Nigeria Wake Up Credit: They come to us in times of election But flee from us afterwards as though we have infection Excuses are their steady companion Devious so we resolve with prayer but no action Wake up my people! Their mistakes have become law They are always never listening Stolen wealth, they gladly harbour Only sweet doom is beckoning Wake up! The condition of ‘before’ is clearly not the same as ‘now’ Yet they stick to an unending doctrine of lies and tricks Night and day, eternal pain, our future has been strangled bleak Yet they dare to flaunt their elegant crown so everyone would bow Wake up Nigeria! Do we have recurring amnesia? Or we want to sleep and not wake? Is the solution always militia? Why must we allow them to take our cake? Wake up! Remember who you are for Nigeria’s sake Citizens. Born royalty Renowned bedrock of any society With the power to make and unmake U-tur
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