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She Is All We Have

She Is All We Have
She hurts my eyes whenever I look around. Forcing me to close them.
Breaks my heart when I listen to friends. Coercing me to cover them.
Hunts me down when I speak the truth. Pressing me to shut them.
Destroys my hopes with inaction. Pressuring me not to dream.
She is a shadow of glory once told. Simpler times of peace and games.
Splendour that never was. Maybe a product of make believe.
But she is all I have. She is my one true love.
She is all I have.
Sometimes I wonder, will she gladly trade us for powder?
Who really loathes us? Our mother or her caretakers?
Custodians who take pleasure in pillaging our silver.
Tell me. Who steals food from his or her shelter?
Our babies inherit debt but theirs get treasure.
They refuse to see hints but I read it crystal clear.
I see the ticking time bomb; seven, six, five, four.
Still she is all I have. She is my one true love.
She is all you have.
Our roads are death traps. Stay alert day and night.
Homes now camps. Decayed lot, our birth right.
Schools are handicapped. No clay in sight.
Hospitals, health traps. Pray to not rest overnight.
Mother is the figment of beauty once bright,
So, we must protect our future, we must fight.
Cos, she is all we have. She is our one true love.
She is all we have.
#NigeriaWakeUp #HappyIndependenceDay #No2Violence #NigeriaAt59

By Sylvanus Nabena
Twitter: @slynabena


  1. Despite all this . . . She is all we have. Nice one SN.

    1. She is all we have wallahi. No place like home. Thanks for reading.

  2. Nigeria my motherland....thanks bro...for reminding me...about our only home...we all need to keep the faith


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