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Showing posts from March, 2018

Immortal Nigeria

Immortal Nigeria Credit: Wilson Atumeyi, 2017; Vwiere Irikefe, 2017 I am the current running down the mountain. Obstacles may bar my path. But I will break through. I am resilient and immortal Nigeria. My guardians conveniently use me for private gain; unguarded plundering. They dig their graves. They don’t know that there is no greater hunger than one which can’t be satisfied. My rich ethnicity is manipulated to raise false allies and regional enemies. They create pain that can’t be undone. There is no greater deception than one that leads you to conflict. My appreciation for the supernatural is distorted for division. They have strangled my offspring for too long. Leaving me vulnerable; easy prey for hunters and scavengers. But the fog will dissipate; friends and foes will be made known. I am water trapped underneath rocks. Soon to become a spring. I will break free. I am resilient and immortal Nigeria. By Sylvanus Ebiegberi Nabena Twitter: @slynabena